Who we are
Wave by Wave was established by the Portuguese Surf for Good Association, a non-profit organisation that promotes intervention, prevention, training and research in the focus areas of development and mental health through surf therapy.
The Portuguese Surf for Good Association was founded in June 2017 by the former national surfing vice champion José Ribeiro Ferreira and the clinical psychologist Ema Shaw Evangelista.
Wave by Wave’s core mission is to intervene with populations in need and/or at risk of social exclusion who, due to their circumstances, do not have the resources to promote their own rehabilitation processes. Through this Wave by Wave aims to contribute to the real breakdown of social cycles of exclusion and trauma, promoting a more just and egalitarian society.
Our two Centres
We believe that with our mission we are contributing to the resolution of a problem that carries a high social cost.
We aim to bring surf therapy to all those who may benefit from this agent of change, which promotes well-being and mental health.
Carcavelos Beach, Cascais
- Children and young people in temporary or permanent residential care
- Children and young people flagged by the by the CPCJ (Child Protection Service)
- Children and young people from 12 to 18 in semi-open regimes, detained in Juvenile Detention Centers (named educational centers in Portugal)
- Children and young people from a normative family context
Marbelo Beach, Vila Nova de Gaia
- Children and young people from TEIP Groups (This refers to children from schools in areas flagged by the government as being socially and economically disadvantaged)

Our principles
- Physical and emotional security
- Respect for self and others
- A Culture of dialogue
- Non-violence / Non-discrimination
- Empathic and active listening
- Teaching by example
- Fun and joy
- Liberty and Fraternity
Governing bodies
President: Ema Shaw
EvangelistaVice-President: José Maria Campello Ribeiro Ferreira
Secretary: Elisabete Maria Miranda
Fiscal Council
President: Miguel Martins Lagos da Silva
Secretary: João Fernandes Moisés
Member: Ana Rita Rodrigues
General Meeting Board
President: Henrique Jorge Barroso Pestana
Member: Lucy Shaw Evangelista
Member: Francisco Ribeiro Ferreira Guedes de Sousa